Teddy Bear Sleep-over at the Library


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Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Time: 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Cost: FREE

Join us for an adventure with our teddy bear sleepover at the library! Bring your cherished stuffed companion for a program filled with creativity, music, and the promise of sweet dreams.

Event Highlights:

Craft Extravaganza: Create adorable pins for both you and your stuffy, adding a personal touch to your bedtime buddies. Choose from our premade designs, or let your creativity soar with custom creations!

Harmony in the Air: Join us for a sing-along session. Your singing voices will be the soundtrack to a night filled with cozy companionship for your sleepy stuffed friends.

Story Time: Gather around for a bedtime story. Listen to tales paving the way for a night brimming with teddy bear dreams.

Tuck-In Time: Participants will tuck in their teddies with love and care. As you leave, don't forget to grab our special sleepover craft to continue the magic at home!

Pick-Up Day: The following day, reunite with your stuffed friend, filled with stories of the night's adventures.

Don't miss out on this program of crafts, songs, stories, and teddy bear tuck-ins.

Register now!